Caller id - CID POP


<b>{ENTITY NAME}</b><linebreak/>{ENTITY DATA:Telefon}<linebreak/>{ENTITY DATA:Adres}
    Son Sipariş Bilgileri<br/>
{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT TOP (1)  Tickets.Date "Tarih", Tickets.TotalAmount "Tutar", TicketEntities.Ticket_Id "Id", CASE WHEN IsClosed = 0 THEN '<color red>Ödenmedi</color>' ELSE '<color green>Ödendi</color>' END  "Durum" FROM TicketEntities INNER JOIN Tickets ON TicketEntities.Ticket_Id = Tickets.Id WHERE EntityName in ('{ENTITY NAME}') ORDER BY TicketEntities.Ticket_Id DESC:FD([F.Tarih], 'dd.MM.yyyy HH\:mm\:ss'),F.Tutar,F.Id,F.Durum::ID\:  <b>{2}</b>   -   Tutar\:  <b>{1}</b><br/>Tarih\: <b>{0}</b> - {3}}

7 Beğeni

Hi, do you have English translation for this please? Thank you

CallerID allows the phone number to be transferred to the SambaPOS application when the customer calls the restaurant. It is used to show the specified values on the popup screen that opens according to the caller number.

Of course, for this you need a CallerID hardware connected via USB connection. Or we also have a Mobile Caller ID application that can be used as software.

Hardware Caller ID

Mobile Caller ID Android App

2 Beğeni

What is the price?

This app is Free.

1 Beğeni


How to set up?

1 Beğeni

I finally set this up. Great app. Very good it is free unlike sambapos cid app which they charge money for. Many thanks to LiwaSoft team!

1 Beğeni